Anfibio verifies the manufacturing processes and works closely with long-term partners. The relationship with the producers is
important to company. _ Brand portrait Anfibio Packrafting Gear
Anfibio Revo CL
Anfibio Revo XL+
Anfibio Omega C2(+)
Anfibio Omega C2B+
Anfibio Rebel 3KL+
Anfibio Rebel Duo (+)
Anfibio Sigma TXLB+
Anfibio Sigma TXL (+)
Anfibio Sigma TX
Anfibio Rebel 2K
Anfibio Delta MX
Anfibio Alpha XC
Anfibio Nano RTC (XL)
Anfibio Nano SL
Anfibio Revo CL
Anfibio Revo XL+
Anfibio Omega C2(+)
Anfibio Omega C2B+
Anfibio Rebel 3KL+
Anfibio Rebel Duo (+)
Anfibio Sigma TXLB+
Anfibio Sigma TXL (+)
Anfibio Sigma TX
Anfibio Rebel 2K
Anfibio Delta MX
Anfibio Alpha XC
Anfibio Nano RTC (XL)
Anfibio Nano SL
We at Anfibio are convinced that responsible action must form the framework of our business. Therefore, we are clearly committed to our social and ecological responsibility, which results from our own business activities and our business relationships.
We are committed to respecting human rights in our global supply chains. In addition, we are deeply connected to nature and strive to make a contribution to its protection.
Internal and external transparency is important to us. On this page we therefore provide regular and transparent information about what we are already doing and what we can do even better in the future.
Our Policy Statement _ Anfibio Packrafting Gear
How we fulfill our due diligence in our supply chains.
How we minimise our impact on nature and the climate.
Our actions are based on the ten principles of the Global Compact of the United Nations (UN). This convention is the most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. All principles also contribute to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
2. Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. _ Brand portrait Anfibio Packrafting Gear
Anfibio Packrafting Gear is part of a global value chain. Access to materials, machines and qualified workers enables high quality at economical conditions. However, more than the combination of components is necessary for the production. In order to produce high-quality packrafts, manual skills are simply necessary. We are very grateful to our partners for the serially reliable production.
Safe and fair working conditions in the manufacture of our products are our non-negotiable requirements. We have aligned our internal processes according to the five core elements of the German National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Nations. We describe extracts of this on this page through our policy statement and in our actions under “what we do”.
With our measures, we were already able to at this point
of our direct suppliers of Anfibio Packrafting Gear on our social standards.
Our long-term production planning and guaranteed purchase quantity enable stable working conditions for employees of our direct suppliers. Seasonal work and excessive overtime are thus avoided in a targeted manner, guaranteeing long-term planning security for both sides.
We oblige our direct suppliers to comply with a code of conduct. This includes nine specific guidelines for implementing our social standards. We also make our code of conduct available for general download (see below).
Our direct suppliers carry out regular self-assessments based on our code of conduct, which we check for plausibility and evidence.
For 85 % of all Anfibio Packrafting Gear products we were able to check the production conditions of our direct suppliers by viewing an audit (BSCI standard).
We are in constant dialogue with our direct suppliers. Together , solutions to problems are found. Together we work on improvements, clearly defining what an improvement should look like. Furthermore, we support our direct suppliers with measures.
All of our employees are trained in how to deal with human rights. Potential deficits can thus be identified and remedied in good time.
In order to be able to identify potential violations of our code of conduct or suspected cases at an early stage, we are currently setting up a complaints procedure on our websites. We offer those affected the opportunity to contact us directly (also anonymously). We are currently accepting complaints via our contact form. Violations of our code of conduct will be followed up immediately.
When working with new or existing suppliers, our primary goal is to achieve continuous improvements in the sense of a long-term partnership. Transparency on both sides creates a trusting cooperation. At the same time, trust offers room for transparency.
The success of such cooperation is particularly evident in our long-standing partnership with our main supplier, with whom we already have
of successful collaboration.
As a basis for cooperation, we oblige our direct suppliers to comply with a code of conduct.
The concept of »packrafting« has always been based on harmony with nature. With our measures we would like to do our part even before the use.
Anfibio Packrafting Gear
The freedom to creatively explore nature between land and water is the core vision of Anfibio Packrafting Gear. For this reason alone, nature and climate protection is a key concern for us.
At the same time, we are aware that the production of our products consumes resources and generates Co2 emissions. On this page we explain how we minimise both and how you can contribute to climate-friendly use yourself.
Due to their characteristics, our packrafts offer ideal conditions for a good carbon footprint. Learn more under each point.
Anfibio Packrafts, from Nano SL to Omega C2, are ultra-lightweight and packable. Compared to large and heavy products such as classic kayaks, these properties reduce emissions during transport.
Anfibio Packrafts are durable and age-resistant products. A packraft can be used for at least ten years.
Our Anfibio Packrafts are made from materials that are completely free of plasticisers and glue. Seams are instead fully welded.
The production is very energy-efficient due to the low use of machines. Electrical energy is only used in the sewing and welding processes.
Anfibio Packrafts offer multifunctional and universal applications and can therefore be used for various purposes. This can reduce consumption.
The conditions are good, we want to do even better. Here you can find out how we were able to achieve even more. Learn more under each point.
Even during product development, we pay attention to the economical use of materials and resources. We reduce waste material through the efficient use of material across all models.
With central production, we avoid unnecessary global transport routes for primary products.
Only energy from environmentally friendly renewable energy sources is used in our production.
We obtain our products exclusively through climate-friendly train transport. We do not use air freight. Transport is bundled thanks to long-term planning (pre-orders). Individual deliveries are thereby avoided.
Our central warehouse can operate energy-efficiently through a business association. The power supply is guaranteed by 100 % renewable energies. Furthermore, we continue to pursue an economical logistics approach, for example by not offering any partial deliveries as standard.
At our locations in Germany we use 100 % green electricity. Our employees use public transport and bicycles to get to work. As a result, we have already been able to massively minimise our carbon footprint at company level.
With the support of experts, we have identified and calculated our CO2 emissions along the value chain at product level. Based on the Anfibio Rebel 2K as a reference model, we were able to determine an average emission of 80.34 kg CO2 per Anfibio packraft.
This value corresponds to:
The results of the calculation confirm our efforts to avoid and reduce emissions from the ground up.
We have already been able to reduce the emission drivers that we can directly influence (production, transport, logistics and storage) to 8 kg CO2e – a share of 10 %. See the pie chart for more details.
Emissions caused by the material make up around 90 % of the overall result. Because the production of a packraft will always consume resources, material cannot be avoided and reduced. To keep our impact on the climate as minimal as possible, we contribute to an overall reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions by financing carbon reduction projects with carbon credits.
Since 2018, we have been supporting climate action that lead to a reduction / storage of greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to our own emissions that we currently cannot avoid.
As a result, all Anfibio packrafts ever produced contribute to the achievement of international climate targets by financially supporting certified climate protection measures.
After extensive research and a critical selection process, we have decided to support the following climate protection measures:
The projects result in an increase in biomass and the binding and storage of carbon dioxide in plants (sequencing).
According to the Kyoto Protocol, all projects in the EU are already included in the EU balance and unfortunately cannot be used for voluntary compensation.
Comparatively much higher reduction quantities can be achieved with the resources used. For example, this made it possible for us to make a contribution for climate action for all Anfibio packrafts ever produced.
Ecological sustainability must always go hand in hand with social compatibility (e.g. no resettlement), which is ensured by the standards of the selected projects.
Stop plastic before it reaches the Ocean.
With our partnership, we contribute to the recovery of ocean-bound plastic. Plastic Bank® is committed to reducing plastic pollution in coastal communities and the poverty that exists there by making recycling profitable for the world’s most underprivileged communities. Since we started our partnership in 2023, a total of
… plastic has been collected and fed into the recycling loop to be re-integrated into products and packaging through our impact. This corresponds to around 109.090 plastic bottles and approximately 5 times the amount of plastic waste directly generated by our company per year.
Through our measures to avoid, reduce and contribute to climate protection, we offer every user of an Anfibio packraft the basis for climate-friendly packrafting during use.
The extent to which you contribute is up to you and your usage behavior. We have put together a few tips for you below.
Transport your packraft more often in a backpack, on a bike or by train and avoid traveling by car. The low weight and pack size make it easy for you.
Buying a packraft for one-time use does no one any good. Renting a packraft might be a good idea for those who use it infrequently. This saves money and resources.
A packraft is resistant to aging and very durable. Almost all damage can be repaired. Maintain your packraft properly and it will remain your eternal companion.
Respect nature reserves, always leave campsites clean and tidy and always dispose of your rubbish properly.
We have set ourselves the goal of paddling towards the future in a more sustainable way. On this page we have explained and documented how we are already actively working on this.
In doing so, it was important for us to embrace both social and environmental responsibility and to combine them. With our measures, we therefore contribute to the goals for sustainable development of the United Nations as part of the 2030 Agenda.
Hover your mouse cursor over each objective to learn more.
© 2024 – Anfibio Packrafting
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